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End of Summer Italian Soiree

Do you also find yourself missing Europe immediately after returning home? One of my favorite ways to help with that is by hosting dinner parties, and since Italy is my absolute favorite country, why not combine the two! There's something special about gathering friends and family, enjoying cocktails, and indulging in delicious food that makes for a perfect evening. This year, I decided that after my summer travels, I would host an Italian-themed dinner party, preparing dishes that inspired me during our adventures. In Italian culture, expressing love through food and ensuring there's an abundance of it is a common practice. While the food is crucial, creating a memorable experience for your guests is the key of a successful evening. It may seem daunting, especially with a large guest list, but with proper planning, it can be smooth sailing and incredibly enjoyable!

The Guest List:

The initial step is to compile your guest list and verify who can attend, whether you opt for a formal invitation or a text message. This is crucial as it will help you in determining the quantity of drinks and food required. Additionally, it is essential to inquire about any dietary restrictions from your guests in advance and be sure to accommodate.

My invitation

The Prep

After finalizing your guest list, the next step is to create your menu. I typically start by drafting a list of the dishes I plan to prepare, followed by compiling a detailed grocery list with all the necessary ingredients for each dish. I usually do a major grocery shopping trip on the Monday before the event, excluding any perishable items like meat or fish, which I purchase the day before or on the day of the event. The evening before, I prepare anything that can be made in advance, such as desserts or prepping and chopping ingredients to save time on the day of. By completing tasks the night before, and even in the week leading up to the event, you can ensure a smooth experience on the actual day. Purchase all decorations in advance, and for an added touch, consider printing out a menu to place at each table setting. Below is an example of my menu that I placed at each place setting.

The Ambiance

Setting the mood of your dinner party is extremely important. Have you ever been to a dinner where there is no background music or it's super bright in the house because all the lights are on? It's the strangest thing to me and something that is super important. For the music, I like to have a little more upbeat music upon guests' arrival and aperitivo but be mindful of the volume. You don't want it too loud as I find all of the chatter and loud music very hectic. However, for dinner, I always switch it to something more delicate and beautiful. For example, I love Frank Sinatra or something similar during dinner. For the lighting, make sure all of the proper lights are on in the house to not make it too bright but just light enough as well as candles lit. Now for the table, I like to have the centerpiece, all table settings, wine and water glasses set on the table before the guests arrive. For an Italian theme, think Lemons, peppers, flowers, candles, and of course loud pops of color. If you're doing this outdoors, remember to have the proper lighting (and if needed fans, as I live in Florida) to be able to be comfortable.

The Dishes

In the world of Italian cuisine, the presentation is just as important as how well the food tastes. For this Italian themed party, below are the dishes I choose with what area in Italy I had them in!

Apertivo - White & red wine, Peroni, Aperol spritz, Hugo spritz

Antipasti - Fig & hot honey whipped Ricotta, Ceviche, Bruschetta

Primi - Seabass Crudo, Linguini Vongole, Sicilian Busiate, Focaccia Bread

Secondi - Filet, Seabass in a white wine sauce, Truffle burrata, Broccolini, Zucchini

Dolci - Tiramisù, Pistacchio gelato, Panna Cotta

Caffe- Never forget to offer espresso or coffee after dinner

Dinner Inspiration From North to South Italy

Hopefully, this brings you some excitement and provides helpful information for organizing your upcoming dinner party! Weather your home from your summer vacations and missing the dishes or just wanting to have a different dinner experience. Get ready to choose an amazing theme, fully commit to it, and have an absolute blast throughout the entire process!

*Key Notes for Success*

  • Dress for the theme

  • Have the table set ahead of guests arrival

  • Use place cards for easy seating

  • Make sure to offer your guests a drink right upon arrival or have a drink station set up if you know you will be busy in the kitchen (Nobody likes to be empty handed)

  • Always have a few apps available before dinner for everyone to snack on

  • Have music and candles on upon guests arrival

  • Turn your AC lower than normal before guests come (With all the cooking & extra people it can get warm)

  • Anything you can make or prep the night before saves you a lot of time

  • Everything is usually family style for an Italian dinner

  • Be sure to have a bottle of wine, still and sparkling water on the table for dinner

You can expect to see more of my cooking and dinner parties in the near future!

Buon appetito!

Xo Carlin

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